Let’s Travel to Ireland with your classroom with this Travel to Ireland Kit! The authenticity of what you are about to get is our number one concern. After years of finding un-engaging educational resources for students about Ireland, we decided to change that!
This Travel to Ireland kit includes many activities for each category: How to get there, The Weather in Ireland, the food in Ireland, The Traditions of Ireland, The languages of Ireland, Places to visit in Ireland, the legends of Ireland, and famous Irish people. This travel to Ireland kit will ensure that your students engage in the Cultural holidays of St. Patrick’s day or Irish culture any time of year!
What you get
- over 35 pages of Activities & Information created by a teacher who lived in Ireland studying the culture for many years.
- Interactive links to music, videos, and trusted resources
- Awareness of National Trust of Ireland Sites for further exploration
- Immediate download ready to use both in school or with distant learners
Irish Resources
Be sure to visit our Irish resource page for blogs, podcast, and free downloads about Irish culture.