#50 How to thrive in times of disruption

Thriving during times of Disruption

The interesting thing about this current disruption (Coronavirus) is that we are facing a moment when something is affecting all of us regardless of our culture. Religion, ethnicity, race, gender, disability, language …no one is immune to this!  So let’s unite!  I think every one wants to unite, but many people are panicking which brings upon selfish actions like buying out toilet paper and hoarding items that aren’t really needed. I think this happens because we are action takers and we need to control something or do something in reaction. But there are better ways and there are ways we can take action in our own educational communities in order to thrive. 

  1. Control what you are putting into your brain in order to control your thoughts. If you think about bad things, then you will feel bad and then it’s a downhill spiral.  Our brain will try to find danger because that is a part of its job. Think about positive things, move forward and try really hard to not allow other’s thoughts to control your thoughts.

  2. Seek out a positive community. you are not alone in this. WE are all going through the same thing. Get your support team together – other teachers who are also feeling uneasy about all the things right now. And agree to connect regularly – whether it is via a Facebook group, a Google hangout or even weekly zoom meetings. Find a way to stay together through this. 

  3. Time to make updates! Use this time wisely! Take advantage! Maybe you need to update some of your lessons or templates that you use regularly.  Whatever work has been pushed aside for months because you haven’t had time to tackle, do it now! Make systems to help streamline your work once you return to school.

  4. Become more visible to your students and parents, your community. Be a leader and be a model in a way that is helpful during these times. Share via your chosen platforms in positive ways. Be honest with your community about the struggle and tell how you are rising above. Share how you are finding perspective, and offer service to others. Maybe find a way to share some ‘teachable moments’ via video during this time. And don’t try to make it perfect!

To learn more about what you should be posting online via social media or with your students during this disruption, listen to the full podcast! 

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